move your mouse across the screen for the drawings to pop up. click replay to see the fade in colors of the flag and watch the words come together from both sides of the canvas.
//flag variables
let greenfadein = 0
let redfadein = 0
// - - - - - - -
let girl;
// - - - - - - -
//left & right
let lefthand; //staying still
let righthandfadein = 0 //fadingin
// - - - - - - -
let myfont;
// - - - - - - -
//picture #1
let rainbow
let message
// - - - - - - -
//picture #2
let sad
let message2
//animation variables + image variable (the WORDS)
let i;
let imove = 0 //starting position
let belong;
let belongmove = 990//make it come from the right instead
let With
let withmove = 0
let myparents
let mypmove = 990 //make it come from the right instead
function setup() {
createCanvas(990, 685);
//image upload
girl = loadImage ('girl.png');
lefthand = loadImage ('lefthand.png');
righthand = loadImage ('righthand.png');
myfont = loadFont('leadcoat.ttf');
i = loadImage ('i.png');
belong = loadImage ('belong.png');
With = loadImage ('with.png');
myparents = loadImage ('myp.png');
rainbow = loadImage ('rainbow.png');
message = loadImage ('message.png');
sad = loadImage ('sad.png');
message2 = loadImage ('message2.png');
function draw() {
background (255);
// //green side
fill (3, 69, 17, greenfadein);
rect (0, 0, 320, 685);
greenfadein = greenfadein + 1;
// //red side
fill (182, 12, 2, redfadein);
rect (670, 0, 330, 685);
redfadein = redfadein + 1;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
image (girl, 350, 270);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//left hand
image (lefthand, 309, 55);
//right hand - - - - - - - - make fade in
tint (255, righthandfadein);
righthandfadein = righthandfadein + 0.8;
image (righthand, 489, 55);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//the border - TOP BLOCKS = LEFT SIDE
stroke (0); //color
strokeWeight (2);
fill (53, 19, 3); //FIRST BROWN BLOCK - LEFT
rect (0, 60, 120, 95);
fill (53, 19, 3); //2ND BLOCK - LEFT
rect (120, 100, 120, 95);
fill (53, 19, 3); //3RD BLOCK - LEFT
rect (240, 146, 79, 95);
fill (53, 19, 3); //FIRST BROWN BLOCK - RIGHT SIDE
rect (671, 146, 79, 95);
fill (53, 19, 3); //2ND BLOCK - RIGHT
rect (750, 100, 120, 95);
fill (53, 19, 3); //FIRST BROWN BLOCK - RIGHT
rect (870, 60, 120, 95);
//the border - LINES - starting from the LEFT
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (7, 155, 15, 530); //left
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (35, 155, 15, 530); //left
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (65, 155, 15, 530); //left
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (93, 155, 15, 530); //left
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (125, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (155, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (185, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (213, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (245, 241, 15, 445); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (273, 241, 15, 445); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (300, 241, 15, 445); //right
//the border - TOP BLOCKS = RIGHT SIDE
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (970, 155, 15, 530); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (943, 155, 15, 530); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (915, 155, 15, 530); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (885, 155, 15, 530); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (852, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (820, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (790, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (760, 195, 15, 490); //middle
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (730, 241, 15, 445); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (705, 241, 15, 445); //right
fill (76, 35, 10);
rect (680, 241, 15, 445); //right
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//(come back to)
//my text
noTint ();
image(i, imove, 0);
imove = imove + 2;
imove = constrain (imove, 0, 460);
image (belong, belongmove, 85);
belongmove = belongmove - 2
belongmove = constrain (belongmove, 440, 990);
image (With, withmove, 115);
withmove = withmove + 2
withmove = constrain (withmove, 0, 450);
image(myparents, mypmove, 170);
mypmove = mypmove - 2
mypmove = constrain (mypmove, 400, 990);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//color picture (left)
stroke (100);
strokeWeight (2);
if ((mouseX>50)&&(mouseX<650)){
fill (204, 230, 244);
rect (78, 270, 150, 150);
image (rainbow, 100, 319);
image (message, 100, 280);
//pin / strings
if ((mouseX>50)&&(mouseX<650)){
fill (150);
ellipse (150, 215, 22, 22);
//left string
fill (0);
line (142, 223, 95, 270);
//right string
fill (0);
line (158, 223, 200, 270);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//message board (left) (below)
stroke (255);
fill (0);
rect (20, 490, 280, 190);
fill (150);
ellipse (152, 440, 20, 20);
line (145, 448, 60, 490);
line (160, 448, 240, 490);
//words for message board
// - - - - - - - - - - - -
textSize (30);
fill (0);
textFont (myfont);
text ('my parents', 95, 530);
textFont (myfont);
text ('are', 125, 570);
textFont (myfont);
text ('all that i', 90, 615);
textFont (myfont);
text ('have', 120, 660);
// - - - - - - - - - - - -
//message board (right) (below)
stroke (255);
fill (0);
rect (690, 490, 280, 190);
fill (150);
ellipse (830, 440, 20, 20);
line (823, 448, 760, 490);
line (838, 448, 890, 490);
// - - - - - - - - - - - -
fill (0);
textFont (myfont);
text ('and yet...', 780, 525);
textFont (myfont);
text ('you still', 775, 570);
textFont (myfont);
text ('took', 795, 615);
textFont (myfont);
text ('them away', 768, 660);
// - - - - - - - - - - - -
//color picture (left)
stroke (100);
strokeWeight (2);
if ((mouseX>650)&&(mouseX<990)){
fill (0, 53, 102);
rect (765, 270, 150, 150);
image (sad, 766, 319);
image (message2, 835, 319);
//pin / strings
if ((mouseX>650)&&(mouseX<990)){
fill (150);
ellipse (835, 220, 22, 22);
//left string
fill (0);
line (825, 223, 790, 270);
//right string
fill (0);
line (845, 223, 875, 270);