press the song1, button to play and press to pause, press song2 to play and pause and song3 to play and pause
let amplitude, level;
let scribble;
let sound;
let ellipseSize = 50;
let ellipseX, ellipseY;
let circle;
let rectSize = 50;
let rectX, rectY;
function preload() {
song1 = loadSound("everest.mp3");
song2 = loadSound("name.mp3");
song3 = loadSound("forever.mp3");
img1 = loadImage("photo1.jpg");
img2 = loadImage("photo2.jpg");
img3 = loadImage("photo3.jpg");
img4 = loadImage("photo4.jpg");
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
createButton("Song 1").mousePressed(loadSong1);
createButton("Song 2").mousePressed(loadSong2);
createButton("Song 3").mousePressed(loadSong3);
amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();
scribble = new Scribble();
function draw() {
let x = (width - img4.width) / 2;
let y = (height - img4.height) / 2;
background(img4, x, y);
level = amplitude.getLevel();
// song1 visual
if (song1.isPlaying()) {
// draw visual that reacts to the level of the song
image(img1, x, y);
let level = amplitude.getLevel();
let ellipseSizeMapped = map(level, 0, 1, 10, 100);
// Update the position of the ellipse based on the amplitude
let x1 = map(level, 0, 1, 0, width);
let y1 = map(level, 0, 1, 0, height);
ellipseX = x1 + random(-10, 10);
ellipseY = y1 + random(-10, 10);
// song2 visual
if (song2.isPlaying()) {
// draw visual that reacts to the level of the song
let x = (width - img2.width) / 2;
let y = (height - img2.height) / 2;
image(img2, x, y);
let level = amplitude.getLevel();
// draw four ellipses with a space theme color around the image
stroke(240, 240, 240); // set stroke color to white
strokeWeight(2); // set stroke weight to 2 pixels
noFill(); // disable fill for the ellipses
let size = map(level, 0, 1, 50, 150); // ellipse size based on amplitude level
// add random offsets to ellipse positions
let xOffset = random(-20, 20);
let yOffset = random(-20, 20);
ellipse(x + img2.width / 2 + xOffset, y + img2.height / 2 + yOffset, size + 20, size + 20);
ellipse(x + img2.width / 2 - 100 + xOffset, y + img2.height / 2 - 100 + yOffset, size, size);
ellipse(x + img2.width / 2 + 100 + xOffset, y + img2.height / 2 - 100 + yOffset, size, size);
ellipse(x + img2.width / 2 + xOffset, y + img2.height / 2 + 100 + yOffset, size, size);
// song3 visual
if (song3.isPlaying()) {
// draw visual that reacts to the level of the song
let x = (width - img3.width) / 2;
let y = (height - img3.height) / 2;
image(img3, x, y);
rotateSpeed = 0.1;
rectX = width / 2;
rectY = height / 2;
let level = amplitude.getLevel();
// update rotation speed based on amplitude level
let rotateSpeedMapped = map(level, 0, 1, 0, 0.5);
rotateSpeed += (rotateSpeedMapped - rotateSpeed) * 0.1;
// update rectangle size based on amplitude level
let rectSizeMapped = map(level, 0, 1, 10, 100);
rectSize += (rectSizeMapped - rectSize) * 0.1;
// update rectangle position based on noise
let noiseX = noise(frameCount * 0.01) * width;
let noiseY = noise(frameCount * 0.02) * height;
rectX += (noiseX - rectX) * 0.1;
rectY += (noiseY - rectY) * 0.1;
// draw rotating rectangles
translate(rectX, rectY);
rotate(frameCount * rotateSpeed);
rect(-rectSize / 2, -rectSize / 2, rectSize, rectSize);
function loadSong1() {
if (song1.isPlaying()) {
} else {;
function loadSong2() {
if (song2.isPlaying()) {
} else {;
function loadSong3() {
if (song3.isPlaying()) {
} else {;