This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
float zoogX;
float zoogY;
float eyeR;
float eyeG;
float eyeB;
void setup () {
size (200,200);
zoogX = width/2; //zoog always starts in the middle
zoogY = height +100; //zoog starts below the screen
smooth ();
void draw () {
background (230,98,12);
//set ellipses and rects to CENTER mode
ellipseMode (CENTER);
rectMode (CENTER);
//draw zoogs body
stroke (0);
fill (255);
rect (zoogX,zoogY,20,100);
//draw zoogs head
stroke (0);
fill (150);
ellipse (zoogX,zoogY-30,60,60);
//draw zoogs eyes
eyeR = random(255);
eyeG = random(255);
eyeB = random(255);
fill (eyeR,eyeG,eyeB);
ellipse (zoogX-19, zoogY-30, 16, 32);
ellipse (zoogX+19, zoogY-30, 16, 32);
//draw legs
stroke (150);
line (zoogX-10, zoogY+50, zoogX-10, height);
line (zoogX+10, zoogY+50, zoogX+10, height);
//zoog upwards
zoogY = zoogY-1;