Here are the example files I was working with on day 1.
Upload your creature sketches here!
Here is your first assignment! Please complete it by January 1st 2012 (although I STRONGLY recommend you do it straight away before you forget your code skills!)
I want you to create one or more eyes. They can be human, alien, insect, robot, anything. There must be at least one, but you can make as many as you like! They must respond to the mouse in some way, either with mouse movement or button presses. Extra geek points awarded to those who implement both of these!
Good luck!
Hint : You may find my "Map" example sketch helpful. (This exercise was inspired by (ie copied from) Casey Reas. :) )
Using the interactive stripes as an example, I want you to create a Button object. It can be rectangular or circular, it's up to you.
Then I want you to make an array of the buttons.
They should move around the screen and when they reach the edges, they either bounce off or loop around to the other side of the screen.
When you click on a button, it changes colour. When you click it again it reverts to its original colour.
You have until the end of Tuesday 10th January.
You mission, should you choose to accept it*, is to make a simple game prototype!
Using your new found code skills, like animation, collision detection, basic logic and managing arrays of custom classes, I want you to create a fun game.
It doesn't need an intro page or instructions, it only requires a game play element, and a game over state.
The focus should be on fun and simplicity. There's no point in making a really complicated game if it's not fun!
In order to achieve fun, adjust the speed that things move, how the game is controlled, and how it looks.
It can be abstract, so shapes and lines are OK. Just try to pick nice colours, and have other graphical niceties, like trails and particle effects. Sound effects can also help. (hint : http://thirdcog.eu/apps/cfxr )
Good luck!
- you don't really have a choice :)
Feel free to upload files into here that you want me to check out and offer feedback / advice for. These will not be marked, but it'll be really nice to see your progress.