// create an empty array ready to put particles in
Particle[] pickles = new Particle[0];
PImage particleImage;
// set the maximum number of particles allowed at once
int maxParticles = 100;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
// clear the background
// add 2 new particles into the array :
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
// adding a new particle into the array
pickles = (Particle[]) append(pickles, new Particle());
// update and draw all the particles
for (int i=0; i<pickles.length; i++) {
// while we have more than the max number of particles...
while (pickles.length>maxParticles) {
// take the oldest of the front of the array
pickles = (Particle[]) subset(pickles, 1);
class Particle {
// position properties for our particle
float x;
float y;
// velocity is the change in position every frame.
float velX;
float velY;
float drag;
// the colour of the particle
color c;
float particleSize;
float shrink;
float gravity;
int opacity;
int fade;
// constructor : this is a special function that is
// called whenever a Particle is instantiated.
Particle() {
// set the x and y position to be in the middle of the
// screen.
x = mouseX;
y = mouseY;
// set the velocity to be a random number between
// -10 and 10 in both x and y directions.
velX = random(-2, 2);
velY = random(-2, 2);
drag = 0.96;
c = color(255);
particleSize = random(2,10);
shrink = 1.04;
gravity = -0.2;
opacity = 255;
fade = 5;
void update() {
// apply drag to our velocity
// add gravity;
// add the velocity to the position
particleSize *= shrink;
// only draw the particle if it's not completely transparent
if(opacity>0) {
fill(c, opacity);
// set the fill colour and draw the particle
ellipse(x, y, particleSize, particleSize);