This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
//click on the screen to create little balls
//right-click on ball to delete it
//the balls will immediatelly start reacting with each other
//they avoid each other, but are attracted to the "team"
//up/down controlls the attractor bar (top)
//left/right controls the avoidance bar.
//TAB = pause
//global variables declaration
ArrayList balls;
Intrface game;
float midx, midy;
float br; //ball radius
color bkgcolor;
color dotcolor;
color linecolor;
color centerstroke;
color centercolor;
int ballslimit;
float rnd;//random value (how random)
boolean paused;
float pos_power, neg_power;
//init variables etc.
void setup(){
game = new Intrface(800,600,60);
paused = false;
bkgcolor = color (0,0,0,100);
dotcolor = color (255,0,255,90);
linecolor = color(255,255,255,5);
centercolor = color (200,64,64,60);
rnd = 0.0;
br = 10;
pos_power = 0.4; // 0.01 to 0.9
neg_power = 300; // 30 to 300
ballslimit = 60;
balls = new ArrayList();
balls.add(new Ball(width/2, height/2));
void draw(){
//calculate the middle of the group
midx = 0;
midy = 0;
pos_power = game.pos_power;
neg_power = game.neg_power;
for (int i = balls.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Ball ball = (Ball) balls.get(i);
midx += ball.xpos;
midy += ball.ypos;
midx /= balls.size();
midy /= balls.size();
/*if (midx>mouseX) midx -= (midx-mouseX)/10;
if (midx<mouseX) midx += (mouseX-midx)/10;
if (midy>mouseY) midy -= (midy-mouseY)/10;
if (midy<mouseY) midy += (mouseY-midy)/10;*/
for (int i = balls.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Ball ball = (Ball) balls.get(i);
if ((!paused)&(balls.size() >1)) ball.move(midx,midy,true);
//if ((!paused)&(balls.size() >1)) ball.move(mouseX,mouseY,true);
for (int j = balls.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
Ball bill = (Ball) balls.get(j);
if ((!paused)&(balls.size() >1)&(ball.xpos != bill.xpos)) ball.move(bill.xpos,bill.ypos,false);
arc(midx, midy,br,br,0,2*PI);