lightWorld = loadImage('LightWorld.gif');
world= loadImage('1.png');
kingandqueen = loadImage('2.png');
whitequeen = loadImage ('3.png');
blackking = loadImage('4.png');
kiss = loadImage ('5.png');
explosion = loadImage ('6.png');
seperate= loadImage ('7.png');
pregnant = loadImage ('8.png')
triplets = loadImage ('9.png')
ruby = loadImage ('10.png')
emerald = loadImage ('11.png')
sapphire = loadImage ('12.png')
queenandtriplets = loadImage ('13.png')
primaryworld = loadImage ('14.png')
story1 = ['Once upon a time, there was the World of Luminosity.',' The White Queen made of pure White Light,','','And for a long time,', 'One day the King and Queen shared a kiss','','The Queen and King agreed that remaining separate','','Many years passed by and','Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire','The triplets were identical in every way but one and when','For Ruby, it was Red everywhere','For Emerald it was Green all around','and for Sapphire it was Blue in every spot.','All three, were equal parts of their mother.','The Queen raised the princesses as any Mother would','the center remained the White kingdom']
story2 = ['There were 2 rulers who peacefully ruled this world.','','and the Black King, who was the absence of all Light.','these Rulers lived together in bliss and in love.','','and a massive eruption almost destroyed Luminosity','would keep Luminosity safe','And the Black King left never to be seen again.','too much surprise the White Queen gave life to triplets','','they shined their light only a 1/3rd of white light was emitted.','','','','and pure in their own way','and when they became of age she broke the world into 4 pieces','and the triplets ran their own kingdoms called the Primaries.']
image(lightWorld, width / 2, height / 2, 400, 400);
text('LUMINOSITY', 200, 220);
text('(press enter to continue)', 200, 380)
text(story2[i], 200,375);