- 🌟 Games Featured on Homepage
This curation includes sketches that are displayed on the homepage of OpenProcessing
- CCA Kinect Workshop
Some sketches to explore with kinect on Creative Coding Amsterdam event
- 🌟Featured: Generative Art
Some picks that explore artistic approaches from sketches on OpenProcessing. Displayed on homepage and discovery.
- Truchet Tiles
Experiments on Truchet tiles, randomly (or intentionally) rotated system of tiles. Read more about it and its history on [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truchet_tiles).
- Illusions and Magic
Projects that play some eye tricks, sleight of hand, and various witchery.
- CC
- Truchet
- Device Motion - Code Challenge
This is a coding challenge to create sketches that we can interact with mobile devices using its gyroscope and accelerometer. Sketches should use the OpenProcessing...
- Shader Love
Sketches with some lovely shaders 💗
- Patterns Galore
All patterns. Everywhere.
- test
- Escheresque
This curation features optical illusion sketches that may be somewhat categorized Escheresque. If you never heard of it, please check out the genius of [Mauritus...
- Black History Month
February is Black History Month in the US and Canada. Let's celebrate it with our related contributions to this curation. Looking for ideas? Check out few sketches...
- Lights. Camera. Action!
A collection of sketches making good use of camera input.
- Tutorials in 5 Pages
To celebrate our 10+ year community and the new tutorials feature, this coding challenge invites you to create tutorials to share your knowledge with our community....
- Architectural Drawings
Architectural design is a practice that combines analytical aspects with aesthetics, which makes it a very interesting topic for creative coders as well. This curation...
- Advanced Topics
Once you get the basics, feel free to explore specialized tutorials below to advance your creative coding skills.
- Creative Coding 101
Get started with these step-by-step tutorials created by our community to learn the basics of coding with P5js.
- Hypnose Créative
A showcase of sketches that may have been under the influence of hypnosis or LSD. Who knows..
- Pandemics & Face Masks
We are in difficult times. And, for many of us, these are also the times to create, analyse, and express. This code challenge is to collect and share visualizations,...
- Emoji Madness
In this coding challenge, we are exploring Emojis, and how they made their place in our digital culture, [print](http://www.emojidick.com/), [arts](https://stories.moma.org/the-original-emoji-set-has-been-added-to-the-museum-of-modern-arts-collection-c6060e141f61#.t3508xly8)...
- Multiplayer Games
Games are always more fun when played together. This curation collects multiplayer games, whether online or co-op.
- Make Your Voice Seen!
Remember Winamp visualizations? Something in the digital world is missing since those days. Llamas maybe? I don't know what it is but I believe we can bring it back. In...
- Mirror Mirror...
Collecting the sketches that use camera input to manipulate images. Must use camera as an input, and the output should be sort of a pixelated version.
- Facial Tracking with Machine Learning
#Machine learning makes facial tracking much easier! These are some example sketches that uses ml5js library for facial tracking.
- Generative Music
When music is code and code is music, these sketches explore how sound or music can be generated with random or pseudo-random elements and interactions.
- Particle Systems
These include sketches around particles with automated behaviors.
- 🌟 Homepage Sketches
These are few great sketches that are featured on the homepage of OpenProcessing.
- Machine Learning Examples (ml5js)
Examples from the ml5js project, the "Friendly Machine Learning for the Web"! Examples created by the super-fellows at NYU IDM program.
- Multi-user Interactions
These sketches use socket.io library to let multiple users interact with the sketch and each other live. See if you can connect to any users at the same time. Open...
- Experimental Coding
Here we are collecting experimental coding examples: where 'code' itself can be part of the work, as well as error messages, test, etc..
- Games
This collection includes games that are built with Processing. Enjoy!
- flowers
some flowers from OpenProcessing.org
- Simply Object-Oriented
This collection is to collect the best examples of Object-Oriented programming among the sketches in OpenProcessing. Please submit a sketch if you think as a good...
- Tree Generation
This collection includes sketches related to generating trees in an algorithmic/interactive ways. Since the launch of OpenProcessing, I have seen great interest...